Risk Taker

Design Objective:

Online challenge videos have massive followings, due in large part to social media and pop culture. Some of the most popular challenges that have gone viral are: Cinnamon Challenge and Ice bucket Challenge. Although these videos have a big fan base following, there’s really no app that is solely catered to these dare-devils. As a result, the app Risk Taker was created. The app is dedicated to providing users with fun and safe interactive ways to experience challenges at a whole new level.

Design Brief:

Personas, screen flows, and wire frames were created for the app design. To understand the target market and generate the most effective navigation for users – surveys and testings were created through Survey Monkey and InVision app. The Risk Taker app is centered around challenges, which separates it from other viral apps online. Once you’re logged into your profile, you can start accepting dares and requests from other users, privately play with small groups of friends, or just watch all the outrageous videos uploaded by users.

Risk Taker’s target audience varies and includes ages 10 and up. The app provides easy navigation menus and the visuals consist of bold colors that emphasize the major principles of the app— courage, danger, and entertainment.

An animation, created in Animate, showcases the characters Batal and Hamham. The animation is an asset to the Risk Taker app, designed to give viewers a quick glimpse of the app’s visual appeal.

Risk Taker Animation


Risk Taker App Design Manual